Macklemore on 'F*** America' comments, ongoing 'genocide' in Palestine

Macklemore took to social media on Wednesday to make a lengthy statement following his comments at the Palestine Will Live Forever festival in Seattle over the weekend.

After his performance at the event, where he performed a “Fuck America” ​​chant, the artist received severe backlash and was banned from the inaugural Neon City Festival in Las Vegas in November.

He began his statement by saying that sometimes he makes mistakes and his thoughts and feelings are not always expressed in the best way.

“I strive to always lead with love to bring people together and never create more division,” he wrote. “The 'Palestine Will Live Forever' festival where I performed was rooted in peace, love and solidarity. Unfortunately, the historic event in my hometown that brought thousands of people together to raise awareness and money for the people of Palestine is overshadowed by two words.”

The “Thrift Shop” rapper continued, “I wish I had been in a better place with my sadness and anger. But the truth is that I'm not feeling well. I wasn't there. The last 11.5 months of watching a genocide unfold before our eyes have been unbearable on a spiritual, emotional and human level. I was in complete disbelief at how our government was behaving at this moment in history. I don’t think I’m alone.”

Macklemore said he saw children being pulled out of the rubble in Gaza and imagines his own children. He listens to their parents' screams and hears their cries of pain and helplessness. He explained that sometimes his emotions feel uncontrollable and boil over when he acts like everything is fine.

“I am outraged that we in America lack money for health care, affordable housing and education, yet we send billions to Israel to commit internationally recognized war crimes,” he wrote. “I watch Democrats sign bills banning semi-automatic assault rifles after another horrific school shooting, then turn around and use the same ink to send the same weapons to Israel to kill the children of Palestine.” I feel crazy. … Some days I don’t know how to love something that hurts others so much.”

The artist then took a moment to praise all the people who took to the streets to protest on behalf of those who were “murdered by (Benjamin) Netanyahu’s regime.” He shared that he was inspired by people in the Jewish community who showed solidarity and marched in protests with placards that read, “Not in our name” and “Never again means never again for all.”

He also said he found hope in the young people willing to risk their degrees to attend college camps and demand a ceasefire.

“But some days the darkness outshines the light and it is difficult to see the path to justice. I get lost in what our world has become,” Macklemore continued. “Some days the genocide displayed on my screen is too much for my mind to contemplate with such clarity,” leading him to say to himself, “Fuck America.”

However, he noted that his use of the word “fuck” was not interchangeable with the word “hate.” “It is different to be angry than to be in denial,” he wrote. “My 'shit' – my anger – is not rooted in contempt for my birthplace, but in concern about how we can collectively allow this to continue.”

Macklemore made it clear that his anger is not directed at the people of America, but at the government and politicians who refuse to listen to the people of America. He explained that the Free Palestine movement calls on Americans to “rise up and recognize our collective power rather than succumb to our own apathy.”

“I've already slipped before the world once. I'm sure I'll do it again. But they will not silence my voice and they will not close my heart,” he began his conclusion. “I lost publicity, I lost shows, I lost business relationships. I am still here and steadfastly support a free Palestine.”

Read the full statement below.

By Vanessa

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