Henry Martín and his father were unable to open the Clásico Capitalino

Heinrich Martin fue la sorpresa del Classic Capitalinono por su desempeño dentro de la cancha, sino por Nobody can win the title against Pumas. The goleador at the end is the only one Dispute for 25 minutes during the night.

Based on the information from RÉCORD, the device was deleted We enter the week to take the team titleincluding the team's rest period during the team's final training session Enter with the basic equipment.

Yugo poco time

Tras el partido el entrenador de América, Andre Jardineconfirm that Henry Martín previously obtained the title, without embargo, I'm desperate, the men are estomacales That's why you need to reduce your participation.

“Henry empezaba, but he was desperate because of the problems like Néstor, the difference was like this, the vomit, Néstor came when he, Henry played with an extreme sacrifice for 20 or 30 minutes when he was part of the classic“, indulge in a conference.

Sufrió malestares estomacales

According to Víctor Díaz, employee of RÉCORD, Henry was retired and was soon able to rely on him Previous report on the concentration of Cara al Juego in front of Pumas.

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By Vanessa

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