Lecture summaries from the Saturday morning session in October 2024

During the Saturday morning session of General Conference on Saturday, October 5, 2024, President Dallin H. Oaks reminded Latter-day Saints of the Savior's command to avoid strife and be peacemakers.

“As followers of Christ, we teach and witness to Jesus Christ, our perfect example,” said the First Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “So let us follow him by refraining from arguing. As we pursue our preferred policies in public action, let us qualify for his blessing by using the language and methods of peacemakers.”

President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, presided over the meeting and presided over the confirmation of the General Authorities and General Officers. President Russell M. Nelson attended the conference from his home.

Music was provided by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square under the direction of Mack Wilbert and Ryan Murphy, with Richard Elliot and Brian Mathias on organ. Choirs selected included “God's Gracious Love” from the new Hymns – For Home and Church, No. 1013. Elder J. Kimo Esplin, General Authority Seventy, gave the invocation and the blessing was given by Isaac K. Morrison , General Authority Seventy.

Individual conversation summaries

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “The Triumph of Hope”

Hope is an invaluable gift from God.

“My purpose is to speak of our holy and eternal hopes based on Jesus Christ and the restored gospel, and our confident expectations of the promised blessings of righteousness.”

The hope of eternal life is guaranteed through the grace of Christ and individual choice, allowing individuals the remarkable blessing of returning to Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son.

“As we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, we look beyond our struggles to the blessings and promises of eternity. Like a light growing in brightness, hope illuminates the dark world and we see our glorious future.”

The Savior sends the Holy Spirit as a companion of faith and hope, bringing peace “not as the world gives” (John 14:27).

Individuals build their faith by praying, making temple covenants, keeping the commandments, continually enjoying the scriptures and the words of modern prophets, taking the sacrament, and worshiping weekly with other saints.

“There is no pain, no sickness, no injustice, no suffering, nothing that can dim our hope as we believe in the house of the Lord and hold fast to our covenants with God. It is a house of light, a house of hope.”

Emily Belle Freeman, Young Women President: “Experience Your Privileges”

Priesthood ordinances and covenant promises enable God to sanctify people and work miracles in their lives.

“For an ordinance to manifest the power of God in our lives, it must be made with the authority of the Son of God.” This is done through those ordained to the priesthood.

“(We) don’t just make covenant promises – we must keep them.” God promises to bless those who keep their covenants. “Do we realize that it is the combination of priesthood ordinances and keeping covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power?”

In Doctrine and Covenants 25, Emma Smith learned about the covenant connection that would enhance the effectiveness of priesthood ordinances in her life. Through the ordinances of the Melchizedek Priesthood “the power of godliness is revealed.”

“This is what it looks like when God’s power works in us.”

To “fulfill your privileges,” study and reflect on the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances, the covenant promises made with both, and the power of God you can access through these ordinances.

Participating in the sacrament weekly and wearing the vestment of the holy priesthood daily is a reminder “of the gift of his power working in you.”

Elder Karl D. Hirst of the Seventy: “Rejoice and be full of love.”

“Divine love never fails and each of us is a cherished favorite.”

To help someone else who feels distant from God's love, do things to draw closer to God and then show that person Christian love.

Voices of discouragement and darkness can tell someone that they do not deserve heavenly love. “When you hear these ideas, please hear this: These voices are simply wrong.” No one is ever beyond the reach of God’s love.

“However misshapen we may feel, his arms are not shortened.” They are long enough to hug anyone.

Being loved is not the same as feeling loved. Grief, depression, betrayal, loneliness, or disappointment can affect a person's ability to feel God's love. Step back and think heavenly. Seek comfort in faithful friends, in music, in service, or in remembering times of clearer connection with God.

“If you wait for him to come, maybe he’s already there and within reach?”

Anyone who feels filled with love should spread it everywhere. The joy of the Gospel is open to everyone. “We have every reason to rejoice and to be filled with love for God and all people” (Mosiah 2:4).

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “This is My Gospel” – “This is My Church”

Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel stabilized nitroglycerin by combining it with a worthless substance called diatomaceous earth and forming sticks of dynamite, which changed the world.

Just as the combination of nitroglycerin and diatomaceous earth made dynamite transformative and valuable, the combination of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides powerful and transformative benefits to members.

“The gospel is perfect, but a divinely commissioned church is required to preach it, maintain its purity, and carry out its holy ordinances with the power and authority of the Savior.”

As history has shown, without the Lord's Church, humanity's understanding of His gospel was also unstable—prone to doctrinal deviations and subject to the influence of different religions, cultures, and philosophies.

The church provides access to the power of God because it is authorized by him both to teach the doctrine of Christ and to offer the saving and exalting ordinances of the gospel. Contractual access to his power is through his church.

“I invite you to become more committed to the Savior, His Gospel, and His Church. As you do this, you will find that the combination of the Savior’s gospel and His Church brings power to your life.”

Elder David P. Homer of the Seventy: “Trusting Our Father”

In 1843, Louisa Barnes Pratt's husband, Addison Pratt, was called on a mission to the Hawaiian Islands as the Saints prepared to cross the plains to Utah. Despite difficulties and personal reservations, she trusted in the Lord, exercised faith, and traveled with her family.

This pioneer story teaches that “we have a loving Heavenly Father who cares for us wherever we are, and we can trust him more than anyone or anything else.”

God trusts His children to make many important decisions and asks them to trust Him even when personal judgment or public opinion differs from His will.

“Who we trust is one of the most important decisions in life.” The scriptures and living prophets provide guidance and help understand God’s truth.

“As we focus on the Savior, our faith can begin to overcome our worries.” Those who choose to be faithful, trust God, and abide will be blessed.

“The decision to submit our will to the will of God is an act of faith that is at the heart of our discipleship. When we make this decision, we find that our freedom of choice is not diminished; rather, it is magnified and rewarded by the presence of the Holy Spirit.”

Elder Gregorio E. Casillas of the Seventy: “God Loves All His Children”

Giving someone a helping hand is a privilege. “If we can help lighten their burdens, even for just a moment, then we will be able to see the great manifestations of the Savior’s power in their lives.”

As I cared for a woman debilitated by chemotherapy and her adult son, “the only thing that came to mind during that visit was the confirmation that Jesus Christ loves her very much.” He understands her and knows her personally Pain of their unique situation.”

A critical mission in this life is to become a disciple of Christ and make a positive difference. “We can convey a sense of joy that is reflected on our face, a joy that we share with words of love and acts of kindness.”

One of the enemy's tools is the destructive belief that there is no way to change. “In this moment, our love, our words of encouragement and support, our time and our help can give someone hope.”

Those who serve will receive re-testimony in their own trials. “As we go and bless the lives of our brothers and sisters, we gather testimonies that fill our lives with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency: “Following Christ”

God's commandments are the guiding and stabilizing force in a person's life. Like the string of a kite that holds it in place against deadly winds, covenants connect individuals to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The promised blessings for obeying their commandments enable all to ascend to heavenly heights.

The Lord gives two kinds of commandments—permanent, such as the teaching of Christ, and temporary, such as leading the pioneer exodus westward. Some enduring commandments need to be reemphasized in today's circumstances, such as the Savior's prohibition of contention and the command to “love your enemies.” In this time of toxic communication, this commandment is an essential part of His invitation to follow.

Jesus taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” President Russell M. Nelson urged everyone to “choose now and always to be a peacemaker.” To follow Jesus – the perfect example – and his prophet, people must love and do good to everyone, avoid strife and make peace.

“As we pursue our preferred policies in public action, let us qualify for his blessing by using the language and methods of peacemakers. Let us avoid anything that is harsh and hateful in our family and other personal relationships. Let us strive to be holy, like our Savior.”

By Vanessa

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