Pumas UNAM plays against Toluca FC 1 to 0 | League MX

In the 23rd minute, Delantero Paulinho marked the decision for Diablos Rojos. Pumas UNAM was able to take off in the 0th minute, after César Huerta.

The team's morale was high to compete in a new Tornado tournament: it ended with the last defeat and was continued by the Victoria broadcast.

Toluca FC lost 4th to 1st Atlas in their first meeting and achieved further favorable results in their home. In the last 4 matches Victoria has been contested in 2 matches, the result ended in 1 occasion and ended in 1 encounter. He engaged 6 gears and converted 12 tracks.

Pumas UNAM beat Club América 1-0 in an animated setting. Ultimately 2 Victorias and 2 Derrotas were won. Pudo marcar 4 goles y ha recibido 5.

The location is on the Terrace with 21 points (6 PG – 3 PE – 1 PP), while the visitor travels for 19 hours and stays in the Torneo in September (6 PG – 1 PE – 3 PP).

The court was designated to meet Adonai Escobedo González.

Today is the Formacion de Toluca FC

The team, directed by Renato Paiva, continued its play in a 4-3-3 formation with Tiago Volpi in the arc; Brian García, Bruno Méndez, Luan and Jesús Gallardo in defense; Claudio Baeza, Marcel Ruiz and Alexis Vega in the middle; y Helinho, Paulinho and Isaías Violante en la delantera.

Formación de Pumas UNAM is today

From their side, Gustavo Lema's allies went into battle with a 4-5-1 strategy against Julio González as they defended the gatekeeper; Pablo Bennevendo, Lisandro Magallán, Rubén Duarte, Nathan Silva en la zaga; José Luis Caicedo, César Huerta, Robert Ergas, Piero Quispe and Ángel Rico in the center of the field; and with Guillermo Martínez in the attack.

BBC-NEWS-SRC:, IMPORT DATE: 10/06/2024 01:50:02

By Vanessa

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