Find out about 10 Brazilian cities that are worth the money in the winter!

Embora o Brasil is famous worldwide for its solar and tropical climates, which are in other regions than before. Especially in the south of the country, algumas cidades se destacam por suas temperaturas baixas e cenários invernais. We explore the curiosities of these cities in the winter and are rigorous.

Para os amantes de temperaturas baixas, o Brasil oferece destinos que registram temperaturas extremas, e em alguns casos até episódios de neve. Confira as cidades onde or inverno é intense e saiba como é viver em lugares tão gelados.

Urupema: O Frio Intenso da Serra Catarinense

Urupema, located in Serra Catarinense, is destaca like a cidade mais fria do Brasil. When the average temperature is 14ºC every year, the constant temperature is lower and the temperature rankings are higher. In 2024, at a temperature of -7,2ºC, a low temperature was registered no país nesse ano.

During the winter, temperatures vary between 6ºC and 15ºC. The altitude of 1,425 meters contributes to the minimum extremes. Geadas são comuns e, às vezes, há neve, transformando a paisagem em um típico cenário europeu.

O Que Faz Bom Jardim da Serra Ser Tão Visitada?

The Serra Garden is connected to its beautiful landscapes and temperatures above zero, no winter. Localizada in Serra Catarinense, atrai turistas que buscam or cold climate. The average annual temperature is 15ºC, with a minimum of 8ºC in the winter and a maximum of 17ºC.

São Joaquim: Geadas e uma Rica Produção de Maçãs

Além de ser famosa pela produção de maçãs, São Joaquim é conhecida pelo frio intenso. During the winter, as there are many visitors, there is no need for occasional visits. As temperatures vary between 0ºC and 10ºC, it should be close to corn.

Mais Cidades Frias no Brasil

  • UrubiciLocalizada in Serra Catarinense, Urubici é procurada por quem gosta de geadas e temperaturas baixas. No winter, especially in July and August, a city that has a freezer. The minimum temperature is 7ºC and the maximum is 16ºC.

  • São Bento do SulAo north of Santa Catarina, São Bento do Sul é famous pelo clima frio. The most frequent temperatures are around 0ºC. The average annual temperature is 16.4ºC and, in winter, the minimum is 9ºC and the maximum is 18ºC.

  • GramadoNa Serra Gaúcha, Gramado é um destino icônico do Rio Grande do Sul. A city, all of its tourist attractions, registered with frequent visitors and at no time. No winter, as temperatures vary from 4ºC to 14ºC, with media between 9ºC and 18ºC.

  • CanelaVizinha de Gramado, Canela também é um destino favorite no inverno. As temperatures vary between 8ºC and 17ºC, they are constant and always warm. A proximity to Gramado allows you to have several conjuntos of visits.

  • São José dos AusentesTambém in Serra Gaúcha, São José dos Ausentes and conhecida pelas low temperatures and conditions rigorous. A medium annual temperature of 14ºC, with minimums of 7ºC and maximums of 17ºC during the winter.

  • Monte VerdeNa Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais, Monte Verde and famous pelos invernos frios. As temperatures vary from 4ºC to 18ºC, with registrations of -4,5ºC in 2021. No winter, the minimum temperature is around 10ºC.

  • Campos do JordãoNo town in São Paulo, Campos do Jordão is a city high in Brazil, at 1,628 meters of altitude. Conhecida like a “Suíça brasileira”, tem invernos with temperatures between 0ºC and 21ºC, with frequent geadas and raras nevascas.

It's a great time to speak, it's a unique experience in Brazil, even in the winter it's gone. Don't let us explore these destinations!

By Vanessa

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