The 1×1 of the jugadores de Chile and the Rota frente a Colombia

Nadie en the equipment rojo se salvó. Ninguno fue transcendente pero sí muchos estuvieron en levels bajisimosempezando por la pareja de zagueros centrales compuesta por Guillermo Maripan j Benjamin Kuscevic.

The 1×1 of the Chilean players is ahead of Colombia

Brayan Cortes: Tuvo un par de Buena's interventionsbut your intention to stay short is to take the second step Colombiale bajó los bonos de una. Igual, In return, he cannot save the critics.

Felipe Loyola: This isn't easy. Aparte de Tener que marcar a Luis Diazla subida de Johan Mojica redoblo sus problems por su Franja. The defensive position can now be abandoned to allow an attack on the Chilean equipment.

Guillermo Maripan: Muy flojo in the brand of Dávinson Sánchez in the elementary school of Colombia. Lento and undecided every time directly. Tampoco Ordenó a la defense ni lederó al equipo. Su continuity en el equipo titular (Quizás en el Plantelincluding) It's more than I've read.

Benjamin Kuscevic: Muy por debajo el level que está mostrando en Brasil. First in the brand, Jhon Córdoba started each time by proposing a personal duel in the first hour and in the second half he said Jhon Durán. The mistake was complicated in the second year in Colombia and ended up in the middle of greater Chile.

Thomas Galdames: Le faltaron ganas e ideas para sacar a Chile del fundo. Much more than anything else in the game, Gabriel Suazo was not allowed to be in the equipment in front of the Australian.

Rodrigo Echeverria: Irregular. Collaboration with the brand Luis Diazbut estuvo Muy poco claro in the entrega de la pelota. Ultimately, depending on my intuition, I also had to turn to the immutable pareja of the central Chilean zagueros. No Pudo.

Erick Pulgar: Let's go Primer 20 minutes Tuvo a raya to James Rodriguez. But it was just a space of time. Thank you, Rodríguez lost the duels and expressed the intention to unite in defensebut not a relevant factor in this regard Colombia Pasó las veces que se lo propuso.

Dario Osorio: Intrascendente in the assistance and, looking back, was able to remain consistent before Mojica was born. With the substitutions so desperately ordered by the DT, he went for Pulgars Altura to control James Rodríguez. In this case, however, just a few minutes later, your mayor was in control of the pelota.

Diego Valdes: No armó Ninguna jugada. Estuvo siempre muy les de Eduardo Vargas como para en que podría tener alguna transcendencia en the partido. Others who have lost the participant's trust.

Victor Davila: Online booking, with the motivation to invent something new, Gareca lo move in the middle and second time. It takes about 80 minutes to get to the first day approaching Camilo Vargas' arch. Minutes past the last second. Poco.

Eduardo Vargas: When not assisting in combat, be grateful for your activity to improve combat and recovery from pelota. The berth is extended for 60 minutes and it is that you have to reckon with the figure in an equipment that you have not left.

Marcelo Morales: Mostró muchas ganas y con ello I got the best impression of Thomas Galdames, who impressed him again. Su aporte How salida Fue is extremadamente limited Para lo que Acostumbra at the University of Chile.

Maximiliano Guerrero: It is not possible for you to change the team from a team with so many and good ideas. Its function consists of a guide that benefits the player. Y el Chile de Gareca no lo sabe.

Gonzalo Tapia: It is planted as reference to the center, but also to the central Colombians, which has a large area, Not much options.

Lucas Cepeda: Nunca se asento en la cancha simplemente porque No access to a function And a position specific. Look for a solution that you can do something with.

Ulises Ortegoza: Incredible Gareca Lo heya nominated para hacerlo Debutant en la Selection Cuando ya todo estababa perdido Ante los Colombianos. No, it's to blame. It's the Entrenador.


By Vanessa

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