The viola is no more than 5, for Juric Notte Fonda LIVE


Boban Durissimo with Friedkin

Boban durissimo with i Friedkin a Sky: LEGGI QUI the sue parole


Spalletti greets Kean and calls him

Spalletti greets Kean and calls him to pass him on to Coverciano and checks him without which Dolore alla seemed: “Lo conosco meglio lo trovo maturato”


Stramaccioni: “Serve at the moment of your command”

“Serve un atto di forza da chi comanda, è il momento che il metta la faccia, c'è bisogno di chiarezza”: This parole was addressed to Dazn di Andrea Stramaccioni


Above, the gesture for Roma after the goal

His social networks went viral about Bove's gesture that had not led to his goal in Rome: all it was was


Palladino, the Diskorso alla Squadra

Palladino joined the ranks, when he spoke the troops were safe and spoke to the troops: Fiorentina is a unified group, they were in a good mood, they were distracted and it wasn't over yet


Crisi Roma, Juric in bilico

Crisi Roma che sembra senza fine: Juric è in bilico. QUI tutti gli aggiornamenti


Dybala chiede scusa ai tifosi

Dybala chiede scusa ai approx. 300 tifosi romanisti sotto al settore ospiti. With many other players


+++ Fiorentina-Roma split 5:1+++

Conclusion of the last game between Fiorentina and Rome: 5:1 in the final result. Bellissima la Fiorentina di Palladino, bruttissima la Roma di Juric


90' minutes to recovery

Because of a minute's rest for a part I've never experienced before

10:30 p.m

85th minute: 6:1

It ended up being a 6-1 draw, but my dad ended just before the end


78' Cristante, Mancini and Angelino don't play

Cristante, Mancini and Angelino lined up all the time and arrived alone in a second


76' Coro dei tifosi della Fiorentina: “The pallon is quello white”

Coro dei tifosi della Fiorentina: “Il pallone è quello white”. The Roma also arrived alone by land, a part of which she was able to give birth to directly


74' Dentro Ikoné, for Kean

Escono Adli and Kean and Martinez Quarta and Ikoné


+++ 71' Arrival 5:1 +++

Incredible: Hummels, right next door, thrown against the wall by Kouamé. La Fiorentina passeggia sul velluto

10:15 p.m

70' Svilar was eliminated 5:1

Svilar beat Sottil 5-1 in a game. In fact, on the field of the franchise to see if I see an animal


66' Fuori Dybala, goal by Hummels

With Hermoso espulso, Juric mette Hummels, all'esordio con la Roma. Esce Dybala


66' Fuori Bove and Beltran, against Kouamé and Sottil

Kouamé and Sottil enter Bove and Beltran


65' Roma in 10, Espulso Hermoso

Fallo su Dodò, doppio giallo inevitable and expelled to Hermoso


62' Palo di Dybala

Roma were out of luck: Dybala got a great penalty, and De Gea had to caress the Palone sul Palo

10:05 p.m

60' Pioggia di ammonizioni per la Roma

La Roma colleziona ammonizioni: graziato Koné col secondo giallo, ammonito Hermoso


55' Fuori Cataldi, against Richardson

Fuori Cataldi nella Fiorentina (fastidio muscolare) and Richardson

9:59 p.m

+++ 52' 4-1 by Bove +++

Super Edoardo Bove: Without an assist and strict supervision, Bove won 4-1. Ex-Roma, not finished. Per la Roma è notte funda

9:56 p.m

50' Ammonito and Pisilli

Ammonito and Pisilli per una trattenuta su Adlì. The Roma prove that in this first second tempo there are more proposals than the Fiorentina did not immediately consult

9:54 p.m

49' Tiro di Pellegrini reacts to Comuzzo

Tiro di Pellegrini will not serve Dybala alone and will replace Comuzzo

9:50 p.m

46' Fuori Mancini and Baldanzi

Fuori Mancini (già ammonito) and dentro Baldanzi. Celik scala in difesa

9:50 p.m

The squad rientrano, tra poco via al secondo tempo

Long colloquium between De Gea and Palladino: The troupe rides in the field on the way back between Fiorentina and Rome

9:33 p.m

Final result: 3:1 Fiorentina

Final result: 3-1 against Fiorentina. Here are the stats from the game

9:31 p.m

45th minute, regeneration minutes due

After just a few minutes of recovery I came to the end of Bove

9:27 p.m

+++ 41' goal to make it 3-1 against Kean +++

The pace with which they ran through Fiorentina's game 3-1 was helped by Bove at the end, Kean had to bring the player into the stadium alone. Ammonito Mancini protested against Roma suffering a fall in the first season

9:25 p.m

+++ 39' La Roma accorcia con Koné +++

The Roma associated themselves with Koné, who wanted to invent a great country within the last centuries: especially by Juric, until he returned to France

9:23 p.m

37' Kean hits N'Dicka in trouble

Kean was in the big Diffico N'Dicka: penalty for Fiorentina. I was very nervous at the Ivorian headquarters and also wanted to speak to the assistant to send him to school

9:19 p.m

The phrase about the parastinchi of Pisilli

Your favorite Pisilli pieces in a short moment: LEGGI TUTTO QUI

9:17 p.m

31' Escono Cristante and Angelino

It seems as if Roma are turning around after the incubation period: Dybala will be proven that she is not in danger. Juric met Zalewski and Koné: Fuori a sorpresa Angelino and Cristante

9:13 p.m

28' Juric shoots the ball

Vista la situation della Roma Juric thinks about moving: si stanno scaldando Koné and Zalewski

9:09 p.m

23' La Roma loses the ball and is barren

The Roma were small and were sterilized by the Giallorossi. The Fiorentina is now ripe and pericolosa

9:03 p.m

+++ 17' 2:0 Fiorentina with Beltran +++

Beltran Spiazza Svilar and Trasforma: beginning of incubation in Rome

9:02 p.m

15' Rigore per la Fiorentina

Celik atterra Bove in the area: rigore per la Fiorentina. Il Var non interviene, confermata la Decisione dell'arbitro

8:59 p.m

13' Fiorentina collapses with Kean

Buona ripartenza della Fiorentina with Colpani e Beltran: Kean was served in the area, but fortunately Mancini was not expecting him


12' La Roma is organized

La Roma also has to take care of teaming up with Freddo: May, on this day, the Giallorossi made a stopover before the first matchday

8:55 p.m

+++ 9' Vantaggio Fiorentina with Kean +++

Vantaggio Fiorentina with Kean: Best goal across the board with Colpani and Bove. Apre l'ex romanista, tacco di Moise, Beltran lo serve sulla corsa e per l'ex Juve è easy battere Svilar. Brutta diving phase of the Roma


Roma in the field with 3-5-2

La Roma, per la prima volta with Juric, is on the field with the 3-5-2. Ranieri, Lato Fiorentina, Rincorre Dybala in tuttocampo

8:49 p.m

3' Dybala proved the impressive De Gea

Dybala, for this reason, proved that De Gea was so great as he opened the door until the cave was light

8:48 p.m

2' Punishment for Roma

Punishment on three sides of Roma for Comuzzo's fall on Dybala, but no danger to them. L'argentino sembra stare more than Dovbyk at this moment

8:46 p.m

+++ Via Fiorentina-Roma +++

Inizia Fiorentina-Roma: The Squadra Viola beats the initial calculator


Fiorentina and Roma in the campo

Fiorentina and Roma are at the start: Inno della Serie A and si parte. Lungo abbraccio tra Pellegrini e Bove

8:34 p.m

The Squadre rientrano in campo, tra poco si parte

The risk is that the team has to be on the field: at 8:45 p.m. between Fiorentina and Rome


De Rossi came to New York with Moglie and Figli

Intanto Daniele De Rossioriginally a former Allenator of Roma, is in New York with her family: dear Sarah Felberbaum and her three children Gaia (19 years old), Olivia (10) and Noah (8). QUI the photo


Fiorentina-Roma, all stats

Here are the statistics of Fiorentina-Roma


Roma, parla Juric prima della Fiorentina

“Dobbiamo essere più cinici davanti alla porta, creiamo tanto, subiamo poco ma segniamo pochi gol. Pellegrini's moment? “Grande tecnico, ha una buonissima Squadra e sono sulla strada giusta”

8:19 p.m

Fiorentina Roma, the slogan of Mancini

“It's a very difficult path, this stadium is across the country. I prefer to always go indoors with my friends. But? “Gli vogliamo tutti bene, in diversi ruoli può far bene”

8:18 p.m

The parole di Ranieri prima di Fiorentina-Roma

“I'm looking for another great game before I start it. Faremo del nostro meglio per far arrivare pochi palloni a loro”

8:14 p.m

Fiorentina-Roma, the parole di Palladino

“Stasera dobbiamo partire bene dal primo secondo, conosco Juric, i principi di gioca, la sua entensità: siamo pronti, la Squadra è pronta, quella di stasera potrebbe essere una bella prova of maturity. Beltran? Credo tanto in lui, è molto forte And my great quality, Lecce is linked to intelligence, I am the one who meant a lot to me and changed the mind that I was intelligent in the first moments ? Kean, poi Beltran, Adli, Cataldi, abbiamo grandi tiratori”

8:10 p.m

La panchina della Roma

This is the Panchina della Roma

Ryan, Marin, Dahl, Baldanzi, Hummels, Le Fée, Paredes, Koné, Sangaré, Saud, Shomurodov, Soulé, Zalewski

8:09 p.m

La panchina della Fiorentina

These questions were asked by Palladino

Terracciano, Martinelli, Baroncelli, Biraghi, Ikoné, Kayode, Kouame, Martinez Quarta, Parisi, Richardson, Sottil.

8:05 p.m

Arbitration between Fiorentina and Rome

These are arbitration courts between Fiorentina and Rome

Arbitro: Sozza. assistanti: Passeri – Costanzo. IV Uomo: Zufferli. VAR: Chiffi. AVAR: Massa.


La Roma has been in Campionato for a month

La Roma, in campionato, not Vince da Roma-Venezia from September 29th

7:48 p.m

Inter-Juve, the show

In the Attesa di Fiorentina-Roma the big show shows Milan over Inter and Juventus: QUI la diretta della partita

7:47 p.m

Fiorentina-Roma, presents the lawyers Marco Bocci and Laura Chiatti

Presents the two lawyers, Marito and Moglie, Marco Bocci and Laura Chiatti: You and I are Roma, you are the traitor of the technical conductor Viola Goretti

7:45 p.m

Roma, the world is part of the ritorno di Totti

All over the world you will talk about the possible commentary on Totti Square: LEGGI TUTTO QUI

7:38 p.m

+++ Fiorentina, official formation: by Kean +++

Ecco the official form of Fiorentina

FIORENTINA (4-2-3-1): De Gea; Dodo, Comuzzo, Ranieri, Gosens; Cataldi, Adli; Colpani, Beltran, Bove; Kean.

7:36 p.m

+++ Roma, the official formation: Ci sono Pisilli e Hermoso +++

Ecco la formazione ufficiale della Roma

ROMA (3-4-2-1): Svilar; Mancini, N'Dicka, Hermoso; Celik, Cristante, Pisilli, Angelino; Pellegrini, Dybala; Dovbyk


The squad is in the stadium, but there is a risk of taking risks

Fiorentina and Roma were in the stadium just to head out to take the risk


Nel post partita Spalletti a Dazn

After the post on Dazn, Luciano Spalletti said to Dazn: Here we go

7:20 p.m

Special score for Bove

Special part when he went from Bove to the city of Giorgio, as an ex-player of Roma (after winning a Conference League) and as owner of the major club: GUARDA QUI cosa ha dito when he left the capital for Firenze


Every 20:45 Fiorentina-Roma

All 8:45 p.m. by Artemio Franchi are on the program Fiorentina Roma. The Palladino force was deemed useful by Fila, after which Juric left the Rivincita Desert to take Inter control

Stadio Artemio Franchi, Florence

By Vanessa

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