Encuentro Recreativo Regional de Coreografías

People participating in a regional leisure activity in Puerto Montt

The activity was organized as part of the “Sport and Social Participation” program of the Instituto Nacional de Sports de la Región de Los Lagos.

With the participation of a total of 500 mayors from various municipalities in the region, an Encuentro Recreativo de Coreografías was launched as part of the “Día del Adulto Mayor” in the high school of the Liceo Isidora Zegers de Huneeus de Puerto Montt.

The activist group consists of several people who integrate as part of the “Sport and Social Participation” program of the National Sports Institute.

The event was held in the presence of the Regional Director of IND, Ernesto Villarroel Jaramillo, and supported the participants from the municipalities of Osorno, Purranque, Puyehue, San Pablo, Puerto Octay, Río Negro, Calbuco, Puerto Montt, Fresia, Puerto Varas, Maullín, Los Muermos and Dalcahue.

The regional IND director, Ernesto Villarroel Jaramillo, said of this meeting: “We are in the final version of the meeting of mayors in Puerto Montt, many contents of this group, from 13 municipalities of our region, representatives a three other provinces, including Osorno, Llanquihue and Chiloé. It is that every year the IND stays in a community and does its work today, up to what they have accomplished during the year. I wish you good luck and congratulate the team of the Instituto Nacional de Deportes de la Región de los Lagos for this activity realized within the framework of the “Day of the Adult Mayor” because we received content from this great celebration and also joined the participants are “los monitores e teachersas presentes”.

In turn, Carolina Urrutia Soto, the sports trainer, opined that “this activity was organized for the “Sport and Social Participation” program”, intended for an incremental goal of regular practice and system of physical activity among adolescents, adults and pertenecen a la tercera edad”.

By Vanessa

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