Estadio El Alto may have a negative impact on the health of its stadium | Selection Colombia

I received a new Fecha de Sudamericanas Eliminatorias The Colombian selection felt they were faced with the incredible height of the Estadio El Alto. The result was that Néstor Lorenzo traveled to Bolivia on the condition that he was there on October 10 of that year A compromise that is no more than 4,100 meters away Above sea level, an environment can lead to crime for players.

Further information can be found here Page 12, The body can perform different percances To realize the physical activity like football, it is easy to present the player in old age. Alguno's symptoms are: Mareos, Cefaleas – Dolores de Cabeza -, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing and vomitingson los más comunes. However, this also means that gastrointestinal symptoms and dehydration can occur. These afecciones suelen conocerse like “Mal de Montaña” or apunamiento.

Dear de cabeza

Pain in the cabin is one of the symptoms of the elderly.



“This only works because the atmospheric pressure decreases and you remember that the oxygen level remains constant and remains constant because the partial oxygen pressure changes and there is only a little oxygen available,” explained sports medicine doctor Pablo Gastaldi in a dialogue with Page 12. That's how it is, Playing at the height of El Alto could be a problem for the Colombian delegation.

How can I prevent and combat the sins of humanity?

Según indica el doctor Pablo Swinnen, miembro de la commission directiva de la Federación Argentina de Medicina del Deporte, The ideal adjustment takes two weeks. Another option is to fix the error the next day. Otherwise, I don't recommend anyone to visit large cantidades Avoid Fritos, Picantes, tall foods, grass or lots of spices.

Therefore, the café, like the pressed mate, is highly recommendednot alone because the café is an irritant and can allow you to feel the insomnia, because “it is a pathogen and it is the most affected by an arrhythmia,” said Claudio Croci, football professional doctor of communication. También Be sure to avoid alcohol consumption In order not to dehydrate and drink between 4 and 6 liters of water per day, it is not necessary to wait for the Síntoma de la sed.

By Vanessa

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