Forest fires are registered in the Chin Chin sector of Puerto Montt: Menores Habrían causes the fire | National


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A forest fire in Chin Chin Grande, Puerto Montt, in the Los Lagos region, movement with bombers on Ruta 5 Sur, near the regional capital. The lamas were involved in Saesa's installations, but they were controlled. It is necessary to avoid spreading the fire to the inhabitants of the sector. Bomberos warn of possible intentions behind the fire and immediately notify those responsible. In Dalcahue, the other arsonists quickly reached the forest, 60 kilometers away. The bomb units were fired in the zone to combat the Sinies. I will not report this moment.

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Bombermen control a forest fire registering the late period of this Domingo in the Chin Chin Grande sector in Puerto Monttin the Los Lagos region.

The emergency is activated in an emergency Route 5 Surlocated in the north, at the entrance to the region's capital.

The commander of the Bomberos de Puerto Montt, Roberto Ángulo, informed him that he was on site when the fire advanced to the Saesa facilities, but the Lograron volunteer firefighters extinguished this fire.

De igual format When I read the spread of the lamas, I read the lives of the sector, dejándolas fuera de peligro.

Angulo también informó que “Avisamos a Carabineros que andaban unos menores allá arriba, que me imagino son los que andan prendiendo the fuego porque son 3 a 4 puntos de focos dispersos”.

Therefore, I found that an officer made a report at the hearing and denounced the people who deliberately became the focus of the fire for causing it to become uneasy.

At the moment No registered people Derived from this emergency.

In the fight against the Sins, the units of the Primera, Tercera and Octava Compañía de Bomberos were trained.

Incendio en Dalcahue

Another fire was also recorded in Dalcahuecorresponds to a pastizales brandy.

It occurred on the 60th kilometer when it emerged from moderate foci, but spread rapidly into the local wild.

Personally from the Segunda Compañía de Bomberos de Dalcahue.

By Vanessa

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