Sebastián Beccacece awaits Ecuador's duel against Paraguay: “Será un partido de alto riesgo”

The Entrenador de la selection de Ecuador, Sebastián Beccacece, present in the preliminary round of the Paraguay party for the eliminatories of the 2026 World Cup. The national equipment was received by Gustavo Alfaro October 10th, from 4:00 p.m., at the Estadio Rodrigo Paz.

“EIt is a Partido de Alto Riesgoque lo debemos jugar concentration extreme, en un game en el que Vamos a tener que asumir el protagonismo. Paraguay's historical blocks are complex. Creo que ahí es importante the quality of the ataqués: I wrote this topic and I am well organized because I have had problems with balance and speed in the past or in the past. Players who are old enough must definitely face the attacker (Álex Arce),” they say about the rival.

The DT said of the work he accomplished last week: “Hemos work in all details, individual, colectivo, las charlas audiovisuales, in the campo. Los tenemos a todos aptos. However, you are unable to fix the way because you don't feel comfortable, but the regulation allows the 23 inches.

Beccacece imagines a common part as it was before the beginning: “Las Eliminatorias are my children. If there are tendencies that Peru dominates the most, Brazil is the most supported. Ojalá all parties that enter this region are part of the territorial domination, but it is also important that once a team has responded, the most complicated thing is to find the solution. Si toca eso, nos preparamos, si nos dominan, también”.

In the house, the entrepreneur insisted that he took the key to the Partido: “La paciencia es clavebecause the attacks must be built from space and time, from the lecture and the totality of joint decisions based on the rivals. Ahí viene lo lindo del juego: Resolver en base a las tomas de choices del rival y vos ejecutas”.

Gustavo Alfaro's acquaintance about Tri

Beccacece was also rebuffed on Alfaro's return to Quito, about his latest exit from Ecuador around the 2022 World Cup.

“Gustavo met with the girls and vice versa. Tuvieron a good shared experience and tuvieron the opportunity around the world. ¿Could there be an incident? There is no suspicion that an incident may have occurred. “Since we made good decisions, we have to face the rival to gain more space and quality,” he said.

By Vanessa

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