Shell Shock Festival criticized for Kyle Rittenhouse performance


The Shell Shock Festival, which raises funds for PTSD victims, is standing behind Kyle Rittenhouse after receiving criticism over the Kenosha shooter's planned appearance.

Nearly three years after his criminal acquittal, Rittenhouse, now 21, is once again causing controversy after it was announced that he would be attending the Shell Shock Festival in Orlando, Florida on October 19th. The festival is a concert charity event that “supports first responders struggling with injuries, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),” according to an online description.

In November 2021, in a legal battle that divided the nation, Rittenhouse was found not guilty of all charges against him in the shooting of three men at a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as a teenager.

On Tuesday, Shell Shock founder Tyler Hoover confirmed Rittenhouse's appearance at the festival, saying in a statement to USA TODAY that they “will not turn away anyone who wishes to attend; everyone is welcome.”

“We do not discriminate,” Hoover continued. “Shell Shock is a PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) charity and awareness event to support our military veterans and first responders. Many influencers have reached out to us to give their support, including Kyle Rittenhouse.”

USA TODAY could not reach representatives for Rittenhouse for comment.

Eventbrite describes Shell Shock as a festival that “believes in a united front among our brothers and sisters who continue to fight even after serving their country. This includes not only our veterans, but also the first responders who stand with them and face challenges and struggles that remain long after their service.

“Together we form a strong and resilient community that supports each other in every struggle.”

Evergreen Terrace pulls out of Shell Shock Festival due to Kyle Rittenhouse's performance

Hoover's statement came after metal band Evergreen Terrace told fans on Facebook on Sunday that they had decided to cancel the festival after learning that Rittenhouse would be performing.

“Evergreen Terrace has always supported and continues to support philanthropic events for veterans, raising awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder, child poverty and more, but we will not join an event that promotes an alleged murderer like Kyle Rittenhouse coming out of his pseudo- “Celebrity capitalizes,” the volume wrote. “Unfortunately, we failed to do our due diligence in this particular event.”

The band also noted that Shell Shock Festival organizers apparently “offered to withdraw Kyle from the event.” USA TODAY has reached out to Evergreen Terrace for further comment.

Additionally, the band said it discovered “several affiliated companies that we simply disagree with. As advocates of free expression, we are canceling the Shell Shock Festival out of respect. We will personally contribute to a veterans charity and encourage you to do the same.” The organizers were nothing less than understanding.”

“Lines we draw in the sand… depend on where we stand,” the band concluded their Facebook statement.

The band Southpaw says they “didn’t know” about Kyle Rittenhouse’s performance.

On September 30, Southpaw announced in an Instagram post that they were also canceling the Shell Shock Festival.

“We knew at the beginning that the festival was based on veterans that we support. But we didn’t know until after acceptance that a specific person would be the focus of supporting the show,” the band wrote in a statement. “Due to the events and drama surrounding this individual, we have made the decision to respectfully resign.”

Her statement continued: “This is simply not what we signed up for. Point. Southpaw is not committed or involved in politics. That's why we don't join her. Southpaw is about the music. Perseverance as an individual and the culture of hardcore.” .”

Other bands such as Let Me Bleed and American Hollow followed suit.

What did Kyle Rittenhouse do?

In 2020, at age 17, Rittenhouse took an AR-15-style rifle to a Black Lives Matter demonstration and fired it, killing two people and injuring a third. Rittenhouse said he pulled the trigger in self-defense and was cleared of wrongdoing.

He fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounded Gaige Großkreutz. At the time, he faced charges ranging from intentional homicide to reckless endangerment.

More: Kyle Rittenhouse, deadly shooter, college speaker? A campus tour about gun rights sparks outrage

Since then, Rittenhouse has written a book called Acquitted and hosted a series of college speaking events called the Rittenhouse Recap.

Contributor: Cybele Mayes-Osterman, Lindsay Schnell, Celina Tebor, Ryan W. Miller, Christal Hayes, Bruce Vielmetti, USA TODAY

By Vanessa

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