What is that allergy to contrast media used in radiology is your actor?

Over 6 million patients injected with a contrast agent every year in France, between 50 and 100 who suffered Choc anaphylaxis, by Pr. Olivier Clément alone.
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DECRYPTION – Very rare, this reaction is completely unimaginable. The point with the head of the radiology service of the European hospital Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Possibly very serious: it is an allergic reaction to a drug used in radiology, recently directed by Michel Blanc, according to information from BFMTV. When I was past midnight, the actor appeared to appear in the middle of medical images to pass an exam. After administration of a contrast agent, the aura triggered a severe allergic reaction manifested by Choc anaphylactic and Quincke's pain. As a result, the comedy of 72 years was interrupted by a heart attack during the evening event. “I know what I said about Le Ranimer's essay, it's terrible for the journey here… and it's part of it.”said Gérard Jugnot on RTL on Saturday evening.

Commonly administered intravenous contrast agents allow visualization of an organ or lesion for diagnostic examination. “They are absolutely used by radiologists to sell scanners and IRM, but also…”

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By Vanessa

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