What's up with Deadpool's creator, Feet, and that “Deadpool & Wolverine” joke?

If you saw this Dead Pool You may have noticed some jokes about feet in movies. Of course, the Deadpool character likes meta jokes that break the fourth wall, but these are really the best because they draw on the experience of the comic book writer, artist and Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld. Since the 1990s, when Liefeld became a groundbreaking superstar artist in the comics world, He has developed a signature style known for his exaggerated figures: Heroes with big, huge, beefy and imposing bodies, huge ammo pouches and belts, large high-tech weapons and of course skin-tight outfits. However, one of The biggest joke about Liefeld's art style is his preference for not drawing feet. It's so widespread that the gag has found its way into both Deadpool 2 And Deadpool and Wolverine. So what is it with Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld and feet? It's time to unpack the infamous problem that has plagued Liefeld for most of his professional comics career.

Rob Liefeld has been mocked about his feet since the 90s

Deadpool and Rogue in Uncanny Avengers
Image via Marvel Comics

The running joke since the 1990s is that Rob Liefeld doesn't like drawing feet on his charactersand her feet are always out of the picture. This problem became so widespread that Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) actually jokes about the topic in the films. If you look at Liefeld's interior pens and cover artwork for his superhero books, this is a recurring feature. Now you can certainly find examples of the feet of the characters Liefeld draws appearing in his comic panels and covers, but The criticism became so widespread that it accompanied Liefeld for most of his career.

There certainly is There are many instances where Liefeld draws feet in his covers and interiors. However, his characters' feet sometimes look strange, more like knobby protrusions that are out of proportion to their characters' legs and torsos. This has most likely increased the criticism and the idea that Liefeld doesn't know how to draw feet or just doesn't like drawing them on his characters. Yes, the features and anatomy of Liefeld's artwork can sometimes look strange, but that is his trademark. Not to mention, he often draws characters from the superhero world, where the characters are always larger than life.

The foot criticism found its way into the Deadpool film series

Blade, Deadpool and Elektra are ready for action, with a dilapidated car behind them
Image via Marvel Studios

The Liefeld foot problem has grown beyond mythical dimensions over the decades and has now entered the pop culture zeitgeist due to its mention in the Deadpool film series. You may have noticed that Deadpool makes a joke about “feet in the game.” Deadpool 2 after dominoes (Zazie Beets) explains their “luck powers” ​​to Deadpool. After she joins the new X-Force team, Deadpool says, “Lucky?! Which coked-up, glass-pipe-sucking freakshow cartoonist came up with this little chestnut? Probably a guy who can't draw feet!” The foot joke comes up again in this summer's blockbuster hit from Marvel Studios: Deadpool and Wolverine. In the background was before the big fight scene in which Deadpool and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) are about to take on the Deadpool Corps. The store is called “Liefeld’s Just Feet.” The Liefeld feet have criticism is now immortalized in the cinema for all time!

Rob Liefeld maintains a good sense of humor when it comes to the foot jokes

Liefeld isn't blind to the foot jokes and criticism that's been inundating him for years. He sincerely accepts it as a badge of honor. Reynolds threw that Deadpool 2 Feet joke right after Liefeld, and The comic creator was 100 percent thereas he told Inverse during a May 2018 interview. Liefeld explained at the time: “Ryan calls me and says, ‘Rob, we have this joke, I want to tell it to you. Please share your thoughts.' I said, 'Ryan, I absolutely love it.'” Liefeld viewed the joke as an extreme form of flattery. He continued as he spoke to Inverse“There is no greater praise in the world. I love it; I love pissing people off. I love it when people piss me off. I have three kids who make fun of me all day long, so if my characters make fun of me, all my kids make fun of me. I love it.

Liefeld also maintained his sense of humor when it came to the store “Liefeld's Just Feet”. Deadpool and Wolverine. He revealed this during San Diego Comic-Con 2024 The Hollywood Reporter that he was overwhelmed when the people at Marvel called him to tell him about the joke in the threequel. Liefeld explained: “I was laughing hysterically when the Marvel business people called me. They laughed too.” Liefeld knows exactly what fans say about his artworkand he owns it. Critics making jokes about how a cartoonist draws feet probably seem trivial when that artist's creations gross billions of dollars at the box office. However Liefeld appreciates a good joke and doesn't mind when jokes are made at his expenseknowing that it's all fun. The artist and creator even jokes about feet on his social media accounts. He once joked about his artwork for Marvel Comics Presents #85, “Hello, I'm Rob Liefeld, and I've never known Da Feet… I mean defeat!!”

Rob Liefeld is working on his final Deadpool story

Deadpool and Wolverine are united in “Wolverine & Deadpool.”
Image via Marvel Studios

Liefeld is currently working on the five-issue edition Deadpool team-up Marvel Comics miniseries. Issue #2 will be released on September 25th. This will be Liefeld's “final adventure” with his iconic characterthe Merc with a Mouth, also known as Deadpool. Like he said THR Back at Comic-Con in July: “I have nothing more to say about the character.” He continued: “This final adventure that I'm doing with him is so unusual. It's the furthest thing from me trying to be cool. It's the furthest thing from me trying to make him pop. It's just a weird story, and I feel like it's the right vibe.” Hopefully, before riding off into the sunset with Deadpool, Liefeld will throw in a few foot jokes.

Deadpool and Wolverinecomplete with Liefeld's Just Feet, is now in theaters in the US


By Vanessa

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